Wisdom Tooth Extractions

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Wisdom ToothExtractions

We understand that wisdom teeth (the third set of molars) can sometimes cause discomfort, complications, or risk to oral health. In this case extraction may be recommended by the oral surgeon. Our experienced oral surgeon is here to provide affordable and effective solutions for wisdom tooth removal.

Symptoms Necessitating Wisdom Tooth Removal

The following symptoms may indicate the need for wisdom tooth removal

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Wisdom teeth may not have enough room to grow and can become trapped in your jawbone or gums, causing pain.

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Incorrect Growth

They may grow at the wrong angle, pressing against your other teeth.

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Limited Space

If your jaw doesn’t have room for an extra set of molars, it can lead to crowding of teeth.

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Cavities or Gum Disease

Wisdom teeth are hard to clean due to their location, making them susceptible to cavities and gum disease

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The Removal Process

Prior to the extraction, a comprehensive oral examination, including routine X-rays or an OPG, will be conducted to assess the position and size of the teeth.
During your scheduled surgical appointment, our oral surgeon will administer anesthesia to ensure your comfort before commencing the procedure. The initial steps involve exposing the teeth in the gums and removing any bone or growths that might obstruct the extraction path. Then he will then carefully extract the teeth, sometimes opting to break them into smaller pieces for a smoother process. This approach is beneficial for creating smaller surgical sites and facilitating a more comfortable recovery. Following the extraction, your gums will be stitched up, and you will be sent home to rest and allow for a smooth recovery. Post Operative instructions will be given.